Unless stated, all evenings are on Wednesdays at 8pm at The Lynne Barthorpe Room, St. George's Centre, Middleton, Leeds. LS10 4UZ
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02/10/2024 - External Presenter
presentation by Alison Taylor ARPS entitled  “Yorkshire a Foreign Land”.
Presidents Night
President Steve Bavill will be showing us some of his images tonight.

16/10/2024 - Table Top night...
...with a Historic and/or Remembrance Day theme. Please bring along anything which may be used. Final date for submitting entries to the October Quarterly competition.

October Quarterly competition
judging and critique by Bill Johnson ARPS DPAGB APAGB.

30/10/2024 - External Presenter Andrew Shenton.
From Dusk to dawn.  -
06/11/2024 - AGM

13/11/2024 - Presentation by Club member Grahame Gage

20/11/2024 - Padgett Trophy
27/11/2024 -  YPU End of year review (old images and scores)
Tonight, we will show our club members images from the YPU Exhibition 2024 - complete with scores and a review of how they fared.
04/12/2024 - Club Speaker
Jane Ellis

11/12/2024 - Image of The Year competition
Judging and critique by Sally Sallett ARPS CPAGB BPE3 AFIAP.

18/12/2024 - Buffet/quiz​​​​​​​

Past events in 2024.

January 2024
10/01/2024 - Photoshop and editing.
We start the year with a couple of Photoshop techniques relevant to images we have seen last year.

15/01/2024 - MONDAY
Committee Meeting.
Incl. Selection for Normanton Battle…

17/01/2024 - Annual Prize Giving and meal.
Britannia Pub Pudsey - Guest of Honour, Gerry Padgett. For more info, please see President.

24/01/2024 - January Quarterly Competition.
Judging by Andrew Rothery.

SATURDAY - 27/01/2024
The very first of what we hope will be a monthly social gathering. We recognise that some nights we don't get the chance for nice long friendly chat with our members. So we're meeting for a coffee (or beverage of your choice) and a cake (or a snack of your choice) at a venue in and around Leeds. Camera's are optional. This isn't a photographic walk, but a chance to put your feet up with your fellow club members and chew the fat. Our first location is The Tiled Room Cafe at the Leeds Art Gallery at 10am.

31/01/2024 - Printing on the cheap!
The YPU and The PAGB are both worried at the amount of printing going on. It's the reason they introduced a new starting level award for prints only and the reason many other initiatives are print focused. Tonight, we look at how to get printing large competition standard prints for the least amount of money possible making that initial outlay a bit smaller.

February 2024
06/02/2024 - TUESDAY - Battle with Normanton. CHANGE OF VENU!!!!!!!
07/02/2024 - Tabletop night.
We'll have four tables. Each will have a different set up of something to photograph. Your task is to make your own unique interpretation of them. Don’t forget your camera.
14/02/2024 - YPU Upload night.
We will be uploading members images to the YPU Exhibition 2024 website tonight. Entries will close next week. We can see how the process of uploading them works.

21/02/2024 - Bob Redman Trophy.
Subject - 'Scapes. Judging and critique by Howard Tate MA(Phot) ARPS, HonPAGB.

28/02/2024 - Let's update our website!
Our webmaster (Richard Greaves) once again takes the locks off our website and asks you to help him improve or update it, updating the site live on the night. If you have any creative ideas please bring them along. We already have one completely fresh and brilliant idea so don't forget to bring yours along too. You can also get to see how Adobe Portfolio works - it's included free with an Adobe CC account (Photoshop) as it's the tool we use to host our own website. Websites don't have to be difficult.

March 2024
NOTE - change of coffee morning date.
SATURDAY - 02/03/2024 - Coffee & Cake meet up.
We had a fun time at the Tiled Hall Cafe last month. Our Saturday coffee & cake meet up returns!!!
At this time of year squirrels are getting desperate for food and will come very close to get it. So we're going to meet at Golden Acre Park cafe at 10am on Saturday 24th for a chat and a natter and then afterwards anyone wanting to hunt down a hungry squirrel can do so. I've done this myself here so can tell you how easy it is to hand feed them.

06/03/2024 - Studio Night.
The first of our in-house studio sessions. Please bring your camera - we have a flash trigger for every manufacturer.
March 2024
13/03/2024 - External Presenter.
This is a premium event.
Hayden Bartlett, LSWPP, ASINWP - Introduction to Food and Product Photography. This is a premium evening. There will be a £3 fee on the door for members and non-members. 
Final entry day for following weeks competition - Tony Mitchell Trophy. 1 x Sport/Action/Photojournalism: 1 x Portrait/People Studies; and 1 x Pictorial.

20/03/2024 - Tony Mitchell Competition.
Made up of three images. This year’s themes are… 1 x Sport/Action/Photojournalism; 1 x Portrait/People Studies; and 1 x Pictorial. Judging and critique is now Stephen Dean LRPS APAGB.

27/03/2024 - Best of the web - sites and YouTube for inspiration.
Something new this year. Most of us will visit photography websites throughout the year. Bring in your 'favourites' list and let's share - maybe you’ve found a gem that we all need to be looking at. Be it presentation, instruction, technique, or tribute.
April 2024
03/04/2024 - External Presenter.
Peter Farmer - "Sharp & Soft" Understanding Focus in Photography.

10/04/2024 - PAGB recorded lecture.
We have images from the 2023 Inter-federation Cup and also images from the 2024 GB Cup

17/04/2024 - April Quarterly Competition.
Judging and critique by Richard Hall LRPS DPAGB BPE3.

24/04/2024 - Workflow/Ecosystems/Storage.
Thousands of images! How do you manage them all? Let's look at how you can keep all your images to hand - we'll be hearing from three members showing us how they do it.

27/04/2024 - Cuppa & a chat!
Don't forget. Last Saturday of the month for a cuppa & a chat. This time we'll meet at RSPB St. Aidans nature reserve, at The Little Owl Cafe in the car park. It opens at 10am. Paid parking is available on site but you can park for free at surrounding roads and then walk in. LS26 8AL
​​​​​​​May 2024
01/05/2024 - 10 Minute Stars.
An opportunity for members who want to show us their images but do not want to fill a whole evening.

08/05/2024 - Out Of Camera Competition.
Judging by good selves on the night.

15/05/2024 - External Presenter.
Rais Hassan ADPS, CPAGB, LRPS.

22/05/2024 - Annual Auction.

29/05/2024 - Elsie Freeman & Small Print Competition.
Judging and critique by Brian Crossland.
June 2024
05/06/2024 - Externa Presenter. Richard Egan.
An introduction to Art Nude Photography

12/06/2024 - Night out 1.
To be arranged.

19/06/2024 - Club Speaker(s).
20 pictures each. Do you have a collection of images on a theme or subject that may not fill a night.

26/06/2024 - Night Out 2.
To be arranged.
​​​​​​​July 2024
03/07/2024 - Lightowler + Colour Panels - Prints
Judging and critique by Tony Caunt. Print competition of panels of three.
10/07/2024 - Photoshop and editing night.
The second of our editing nights. Subject to be arranged.

17/07/2024 - External Presenter.
17th  Guest Speaker –  presentation by David Burgess  MA(Phot}
ARPS entitled “The Ongoing Journey.”
Final date for submitting entries to the July Quarterly competition.

24/07/2024 - July Quarterly competition.
Judging and critique by Colin Williams CPAGB EFIAP BPE2.

31/07/2024 - 31st  Buddy Night
Are there any areas that you feel you need assistance with?  Pair up with one of our more experienced members to see if we can resolve your problem!
​​​​​​​September 2024
04/09/2024 - Club Speaker.
Richard Greaves.

08/09/2024 - SUNDAY
Middleton Park Show

11/09/2024 - Studio2
The second of our in-house studio sessions. Please bring your camera - we have a flash trigger for every manufacturer.

18/09/2024 - 
18th  Show and Tell. Bring in up to 5 of your personal favourite images that you are unlikely to put into competition!  
Tell why you took them and like them so much and why you don't think they are worth entering into competitions.
Exhibition Prints competition.
Dave Burgess MA(Phot) ARPS.
​​​​​​​August 2024
07/08/2024 - YPU Exhibition 2024 recorded lecture.
We should have the download of this year’s YPU exhibition images.

14/08/2024 - Presentation by Howard Sumner
Final date for submitting entries to the Annual Exhibition (PDIs) competition.
21/08/2024 - External Presenter
Bill Jagger - RH Greaves. A Leeds Man Who Built Bridges - His Photographic Archive

28/08/2024 - Exhibition PDI competition.
judging and critique by Ray Brammall ARPS EFIAP/g APAGB BPE5*.
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